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Sports Chiropractic in Greenville

Woman weightlifting on crossfit classWhether you’re a die-hard CrossFitter, weekend warrior or avid runner, you want to be at the top of your game. Chiropractic care can allow you to maximize your body’s potential so you can perform at your best.

Chiropractic allows all the joints and soft tissue, including muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves to perform at their maximum possibility. When that occurs, you can perform your sport or activity of choice to your maximum capability. Another major benefit of chiropractic is that it’s safe, natural and noninvasive.

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Addressing Injuries

Most athletes will experience an injury at some point. There are soft tissue and joint injuries involved in performing sports whether at a recreational or a competitive level.

Many athletes get injured because they utilize the same type of movement-rotational force. That’s always the same direction, whether their sport is baseball, bowling, tennis or golf. The body’s always twisting and exerting power in the same direction, which causes repetitive types of injuries. At Brown Chiropractic Center, we can eliminate those injuries after they’ve happened.

Preventing Injuries

We also can assist with injury prevention through stretches and exercises that we can teach patients.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you see athletes of all ages and levels?

Yes. We’ve provided care for professional and collegiate sports athletes as well as many high school and younger athletes.

Can you help with concussions?

Not exclusively. However, 85% of the impact from a helmet tackle or a helmet block is absorbed by the neck. So that’s why you see so many cervical spine neck injuries from football. Of course, chiropractic is highly helpful in treating neck pain and neck issues. As far as concussion protocol we can’t expedite healing too much.
With a concussion, it’s rest that allows the brain to recover. You have to let the tissue that’s been swollen in the brain calm down and get the edema out of the brain to treat a concussion.

Are there other therapies you offer to help athletes?

Yes, we feature multiple modalities and equipment that are extremely beneficial in addressing sports injuries. Our offerings include ultrasound, electric muscle stim, cold laser, high voltage galvanism and others. These modalities are the same that are used in professional training rooms for baseball, hockey, football, basketball and soccer teams.

Book an Appointment

Your Greenville sports chiropractor can help you stay in the game. Contact us today to book an appointment!


Sports Chiropractic Greenville SC | (864) 271-0001